- Real stories, real experiences.
View From The Cheap Seats
A slightly off kilter lifestyle blog about an American's adventures in relocating to the UK. - Real stories, real experiences.
View From The Cheap Seats
An insightful lifestyle blog about an American's adventures in relocating to the UK.
C'mon. The election results weren't THAT bad ....
Yeah, they were. At least for me. One of the greatest disappointments in my 70 years has been the forfeiture of the American conscience and the resulting inexcusable failure to take personal responsibility. Let's not even go to the incontrovertible fact that we've become mind numbingly resistant to determination of fact, or, indeed, even using a brain. But this is not a hill I'm willing to die on. I was prepared to live with the outcome, to refine my life to its immediate parameters and not stray beyond, and just endure. Also, not for nothing, I was willing to give these morons a chance. They ARE morons for the most part, totally disinterested in the electorate as anything more than just that: a vote. And that will become clear as we go along in this mess.
BUT, the absolute truth is: we would have gotten that either way. And THAT is what I cannot live with. America is devoid of morals and there is no white knight riding in to rescue it. I mean, where is John Dutton?
Our political systems have turned into barely disguised versions of early Howard Stern (who, in a weird twist of fate, has taken a turn into normalcy as he's gone bald). It's about shock ... with no awe, just vomit barely under the surface. And while I may pray that this will change, I don't see it doing so in the immediate future. And honestly, at my age, I'm not inclined to sit around and wait for things to get better. Not only am I old, but I'm paying exhorbitant prices for things controlled by big business (like rent at $1700/month for 800 square feet). Hell. I'm still working 40+ hours a week in addition to the paltry amount my retirement brings. Thanks everyone, I've been working since I was 18 and not a pot to piss in. I was too busy trying to compete every single day on levels that my mother was not asked to. But, because the Universe was looking out for me, I have survived and I have two beautiful, independent, thriving children who turned out amazingly, despite their mother. And, now .. I have my first grandchild. A little girl, whose American future I worry about more than I want to talk about.
I turned 18 on November 7, 1972 - coincidentally the date of the first election where 18 year olds were given the vote. And I've voted ever since. I've been outspoken in my views, and lost a LOT of friends for it. I have always believed in the dictum of "all men are created equal" and I've tried to walk that walk. But in the last ten years, it has become increasing clear that we, as a nation, are not even close to realizing the founding father's intentions in that respect.
So .. what to do? My husband died in July after a very long illness, my dog a month before that. My big house was falling down around me because I didn't have the funds to take care of it. A month to the day after my husband died, a storm knocked a tree on a power line outside my house, igniting a fire. And another tree fell on my not old car, and it was totaled. And that was just ithrough August. Believe me. I had some top shelf stress going on! And, add to that, the looming threat of losing my retirement money and being homeless if a certain incoming administration gets its way.
Yeah, that was it. I sat down and made a list of the things that meant something to me. And out of that, decisions were made.
My house was picked up by a real estate group who saw the value in its wonderful bones, and is being renovatated. It will go on the market soon. I moved out to let the work be done, and into an apartment that I absolutely love. But. Even that isn't enough now. I want to be happy, not just okay. It's been a very long time since I felt inspired and excited. The political and economic climate of the United States is suffocating. So. I'm leaving. I will be crossing the pond in April to start a new, very proper, English life. I created this website to document this undertaking. I expect it will take proper twists and turns, and so I'm bringing you guys along. Stay tuned. I guarantee that nothing about this will be normal. But, it will be an adventure. Let's do this thing.